
Water of Life Church (WOLC) is part of a move of God that is bringing back the understanding of biblical church government and especially the role of fivefold ministries as taught by Paul in his apostolic letter to the Ephesians.
Ephesians 4:11-12
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ
Background to HRCB leaders
Graham and Ann Unsworth were the original designated Spiritual Leaders of WOLC (formlerly Harvester Reformational Church Birmingham) and were used to help plant the church in Birmingham where they live. There are now two other leaders, their son Ben who functions in a Teacher role and Werner Lourens who heads evengelism initiatives. Graham was in full-time ministry in the early years of his life with a Pentecostal denomination and on completion of ministerial training, was appointed as Pastor of a local church in the north of England where he served for over six years. Unfortunately things did not work out and he left ministry life as a leader and eventually developed a career in the voluntary housing sector and in particular serving in the role of Housing Manager and later IT Manager for a large Housing Association in the West Midlands.
Graham and Annie met and married in the late 1980’s. Annie qualified as a teacher in 1992 and is currently a Deputy Head Teacher at a local Primary School in Birmingham.
Someone once referred to the Holy Spirit as ‘the hound of heaven’ and it was His nagging voice that continued to speak to Graham about ministry. God gradually opened a space for him to lead worship and operate especially in the area of prophecy. At this time the family where members of a local Baptist Church which they attended for a total of thirteen years. It proved a safe environment for the family to grow spiritually and eventually Graham was recognised as a Prophet and operated in that role in submission to the leadership.
How we came to be here
In the early 2000s Graham began to be increasingly aware of a restlessness in his spirit. His job was going well, Church life was busy and fulfilling but there was something he couldn’t identify that was making him feel change was coming. In 2003 during some major changes in his work environment Graham found himself taking an opportunity for voluntary redundancy which led him to leave full-time employment and being free to do ‘more for God’
One of the things that emerged was a connection with missionaries in France who were connected to the Baptist Church in the UK. After visiting a couple of times Graham led a team from the UK that held meetings in the missionaries place of residence, St Etienne. Several visits were made with many breakthroughs in the lives of both locals and team members. On one such visit Graham was invited to a leaders’ group in the city which proved to be the turning point leading him into a whole new direction in the life of his whole family. It was at this meeting that he met Apostle André Pelser of Harvester International Ministries. After the meeting an invite to Cape Town was given which Graham responded to in 2006.
The visit to Harvester Reformational Church Cape Town was like a journey home. There were many supernatural confirmations that this was the spiritual connection God had prepared for Graham. What followed was an ordination into his true function of Prophet and a commission to take to England the message of reform for the church.
After a lot of waiting, hesitation and finally obedience, Harvester Reformation Church was founded on the 6th September 2009 in the home of Prophet Graham and Teacher Annie. A meeting place was rented from February 2011 where the Church has met for Sunday services ever since.
The Church is a mixture of older people, young couples and their families. It has grown slowly but steadily and functions as a true Spirit-led Body; serving it’s own members and the wider community. It still takes part in missions outside of the UK and has its own training facility, Miracle Bible College, led by Prophet Graham’s son, Teacher Ben Unsworth. This has recently been launched as Harveter Training Centre with it's own website.
Since 2017 HRCB has been holding an annual gathering event that is open to anyone and is residential in nature. it has been a source of encourgement and powerful ministry and a time of good fellowship and networking. Speakers from other parts of the world have been invited and have helped to widen the vision of the church leading to mission trips to other nations.
We thank God you the story so far and look forward in faith to the unfolding of God’s plan for HRCB.
Fresh Start
In Janaury 2024 after several comfirmaitons it was felt that it was time to move on from being part of HIM and go in new direction, this was to do with a development of leadership thoughts of structure and a need to build close ties with other like-minded church leaders in the United Kingdom. Since taking that step many open doors have become available to us. On of these doors led to us purchasing a former Baptist Chapel in Walsall. We have become part of a whole community of churches and are seeing many opportunities to spread the gospel and message of reform. This change meant we had to consider a name change since we are no longer meeting in Birmingham and Water of Life was chosen.
It is exciting to be part of a new adventure with God
To God be all the glory